EMS监控系统将大量的专业大气和海洋传感器集成到环境监测系统中,该系统可以监测风速风向、温度、湿度、大气压、能见度(气象光学)、降水(雨、雪、冰雹)和海洋气象信息,比如层流(可以连续监测整个海域剖面20层的流速和流向)、波浪和潮汐数值。 通常EMS也被集成在靠泊辅助监控系统中,联同其他子系统为船舶在码头的安全稳泊提供实时监测数据。
The i-marineS system has undergone multiple versions of iterative development since 2010, and now it has completed the standardization of multiple subsystems such as background opration management, system configuration, terminal data display,equipment calibration and testing, forming a complete closed-loop new monitoring system.
In the i-marineS development process, a large number of customized developments were carried out, and in order to improve the reliability and fault-tolerant recovery capabilities of the system, a distributed architecture was adopted in the system architecture design. Divide different functions into different subsystems, and each subsystem runs in a completely independent hardware system, which greatly reduces the coupling between each subsystem and improves the stability and safety of the system.
Weather Station
Visibility sensor
Wave/Tide sensor
Current sensor
Single Point current sensor